Please note:

My practice will be closed 22.07.202416.08.2024. I will be available for consultations again on Monday, 19.08.2024.

The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is a new method used in medical practice for the treatment of pain. Made up of the Latin terms “Fascia” (bundle) and “Distortio” (distortion), the FDM is used to significant effect in the treatment of pain of the musculoskeletal system.

- Fascia are connective tissues which, according to the FDM, are key to the successful diagnosis and treatment of physical complaints.

- Distortions in terms of the FDM are anatomical distortions of fascia which can lead to health problems. Specifically using FDM diagnostics, virtually any fascial distortion can be diagnosed, targeted and corrected.

- As a model, the FDM makes no claim to truth but rather presents an understandable and logical way of viewing physical health problems and their treatment

The FDM focuses on any deformation of the fascia. An instantaneous reduction in pain and an improvement to load-bearing capacity can be expected as soon as their shape is restored. Extended periods of enforced rest can be avoided and a rapid return to normal activity is possible. Even in the case of chronic pain - for which in so many cases there are inadequate therapies - the FDM approach offers a whole new perspective regarding diagnosis and treatment.

Osteopathy according to S. Typaldos

The FDM was first developed by the American A&E doctor and osteopath Dr Steven Typaldos who first presented the model in 1991. Typaldos had noticed that despite differing diagnoses, his patients often used the same words and gestures to describe their complaints. Through this, he established that underlying this phenomenon were six different distortions of the fascia which gave rise to a pattern in patients’ descriptions of symptoms (see FDM diagnostics).

FDM Diagnostics

If you come to me for FDM treatment, I will ask you to describe your symptoms, where and when it manifests itself and how it first happened. For example, if you tell me that you have pain when going upstairs or setting down the shopping bag or putting on your shoes I will then test these movements before and after treatment. The FDM differentiates between distinct types of pain – is it burning, does it move around, does it ache, is it local, tingling or stabbing. Furthermore, I will establish if a joint feels stiff, weak or unstable. I will treat you there and then working with my hands concentrating on the problem areas.


Back/neck pain: all kinds of tension, headache, dizziness, slipped disc, lower back pain, sciatica, lumbago, malalignment, blockades to the sacroiliac joint etc.

Shoulder pain: impingement syndrome, calcification, frozen shoulder, arthritis etc.

Hand/arm pain: tennis/golf elbow, tendonitis, carpel carpal tunnel syndrome, snapping finger etc.

Hip pain: arthritis, blockades, piriformis syndrome etc.

Knee pain: meniscus injuries, “twists”, strains, fissures of every kind

Foot pain: torn ligaments, “twisted joints”, Achilles tendon problems, plantar fasciitis (“jogger’s heel”) etc.

Sports injuries of every kind

Are you unsure of your predicament? Please contact me!